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The Simplest Ways to Make the Best of Payment Gateway

Technically Speaking, A payment gateway is merchant support provided by an online service provider that allows credit card or direct payments processing for all kinds of Business. As we know that every Business entity around the world needs to secure payment method, but with various options for financial support for e-commerce Business, it becomes a daunting task to choose them. […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

How did Bars become the Best? Find Out.

The culture of Nightlife has always been popular among youngsters regardless of any region when it comes to avoiding stress and socialize with your friend zone, as a consequence more and more pubs picked up the pace in the country. That’s why operating a Bar or Pub, nowadays, is highly competitive Business within the Hospitality […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

Why Salesforce CRM is the New Black?

Without the existence of a customer, no one can imagine a Business. It’s a universal truth that both are the two aspects of the same coin and no Business can run without customers. Only a customer enables a company to get a spirit of Business objective and a way to move on. So, it doesn’t […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

Will Hospitality Ever Rule the World?

If you deep dive in the ocean of Hospitality Domain, then you will surely get that it is not limited to Hotel industry but its area of function moves from one service to another whether if we talk about event planning or tourism sector. Just as the expectations of customers are increasing in the current […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

How to Stay Popular in the Spa World?

In this Era of cutthroat rivalry in a Marketplace, utilizing innovative solutions is obsessively important for accelerating a Business, especially then when you are associated with Hospitality Sector, where customers are in number, who analyzes your face value, not because of the physical product but your unforgettable service that they experienced once. Even then, it […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).
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