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Researchers highlights how some wearable devices can actually detect deadly Viruses

Wrist Band & Apps

Introduction: Researchers have been looking for such wearable devices that can help people actually to detect the presence of deadly viruses in the body. Last month, scientists at the West Virginia University Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute said they had created a digital platform that can detect COVID-19 symptoms up to three days before they show up […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

How technology is helping us to survive this Lock-down?

Stay Home, stay safe

Introduction Humans are going through tough times. The global pandemic has changed a lot in terms of lifestyle and the way we work. Whatever be the case, the human race is made for survival. That’s always being the same. Humans never say “Nope!” to survive. When there is a will, there is a way as […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

Life Lessons from COVID-19

Covid-19 | Life Lessons

In recent months, life has been changed drastically. Most of us are locked up in their homes to avoid the spread of COVID-19 infection. Yes, it is quarantined. This global pandemic has brought a lot of negative outcomes, and people are complaining about living aimlessly in their homes. Here in this write-up, we are compiling […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).
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