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Showcase of one of our Mobile App Development Project

  Hello Everyone, Today I would like to talk about How we helped one of our clients, non-Functional Business App and converted into a complete Functional App on App Store. HomeSAFE is a simple safety solution for field operations, enabling workers to dispatch notifications to designated contacts based on specific criteria. We did following on […]

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written by Faiz Akhtar for Coding brains section(s).

What to look before hiring a Developer?

  Today I would share few things, we follow while Hiring a Programmer at Coding Brains. Hiring a Programmer is an important task as a lot depends on this decision. Whether you are building a Mobile App, Website or a Product. Below are few points to look for while hiring a Developer. Hire the right […]

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written by Amol Pandey for Coding brains section(s).
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Gamification in E-Learning Platforms Building Secure and Scalable FinTech Applications Integrating AI Chatbots into Business Websites Custom SaaS Solutions for Diverse Industries The Role of DevOps in Modern Software Development
About Company

  • We are programming since 2011
  • Working Live U.S. Day Time 8:00 am PST to 6:00 PM
  • Combined Team Experience of more than 20 years
  • Strong Team of 85+ and growing rapidly
  • Top Product and Mobile Development Firm
  • Top Rated on Multiple Forms and marketplaces
  • We are just not Coders but Thinkers as well.

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